Organization Reporting

Feature Redesign

This was an existing feature that needed to be updated and added as part of the new operational readiness (ORR) tool. The original report was a basic table showing information about whether or not a person under a specific organization had open or passed due reviews.


  • Gather requirements
  • Create wireframes
  • Validate the design

Getting Requirements

Working in Ambiguity

This was a team I worked with that didn’t have a product manager to help define what the requirements were for new features and we had no formal documentation. I worked closely with the the technical project manager, development manager, and the principal designer to talk through what this feature needed to accomplish.

Sending Out A Survey

I had several meetings with the team. After getting a high-level overview, I decided to launch a survey to see what capabilities and information would be most valuable to our customers.

Survey data

I used all the information I was able to get to define the goal and use cases and to build initial flows that led to a conversation on specific details in the UX.


Provide customers with a mechanism to see trends, hot spots, patterns, and progress for reviews, risks, and risk actions for a given organization.

Primary Use Cases

  1. See items that may require attention or action
  2. View progress of reviews and risks/risk actions


Identifying Main Actions and Content

In the meeting, I worked with the team to align on what actions were needed and what information needed to be included on the main screens.


Creating the Design

After aligning with the team, I created the first iteration of the design. We went through a few rounds of iteration before the mocks were ready to test.

For the main page, I wanted to feature key information that a customer would want to know: which reviews were past due, the identification of critical or high risks, and past due action items. This way, the customer is able to quickly see what needs their attention. This was data I got from the survey.

Custom Report

The next piece was to provide the customer with a way to create a custom report and allow for lots of options to filter and customize the view. We also provided a way to download this information or share a link that could be given to other stakeholders.

The customer needs to input an alias or entity into the search box to generate the report.

They are also able to filter the results with a number of parameters including owner, past due, and by date ranges.

They can also download the report.

Usability Testing

Validating the Design

I wanted to get feedback from our customers to test whether or not this design met their expectations. I created the study plan, worked with the technical product manager to recruit participants, and ran the sessions. We ended up having 6 participants.

The test itself was conducting using UserTesting.

Our 3 research questions were

  1. Does the organization of information make sense to the customers?
  2. Are the available data points useful for customers?
  3. Are there any missing use cases to support?

Study Results

Looking Ahead

I created the report for the study. Some of the main takeaways revolved around ambiguity in the terms we were using, sharing ability, permission and access concerns, and a lack of understanding how to use the custom view. In the report, I outlined opportunities the team should consider based on the feedback that was provided. This allowed us to prioritize changes ahead of the first release and gave us insights as to what should be updated and improved for future releases.

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